Roulette is Backfence‘s high-risk high-stakes storytelling show where storytellers spin a giant game-show wheel that determines their prompt. Then they have just 5 minutes to come up with 5-minute story and tell it!! Both the storyteller winner and one lucky audience member win a veritable bevy of prizes!
Music by: CHAACH
Pro Skateboarder and audience voted March Roulette winner:
Willis ‘Wheelbarrow’ Kimbel @WHEELBARROW
HR Superstar and winner of a baby beauty contest, Past Roulette Winner:
Shannin Balcom Graves
Actor, Teacher, Writer, Past Roulette Winner:
Jason Rouse @gorillasuit
5th Strongest Woman in the WORLD
Gabi Dixson @gabigrl_prostrongwoman
Tattoo Artist, Scorpio
CIARA VONFELDT @ciaralynsey.pokes
VIP Reserved $38 + fees
Reserved front rows seating, sexy treats, plus a drink ticket. This ticket level helps to support us in offering discounted and free tix to non-profits.
Reserved $28 + fees
Reserved seating area near the front of the stage. This ticket level also helps to support us in offering discounted and free tix to non-profits.
General Admission $22 + fees
Seats are not reserved.
PARTY PACK discount (5 or more people) $17 + fees
Seating is not reserved. Arrive early to find seats together. 🙂
Click HERE for tickets.